Wednesday 9 January 2013

The Secret Some Companies Use To Make Millions And Millions Of Dollars On The Internet!

            The secret that some companies use to make
millions of dollars on the Internet is to actually lose
money first!
Intelligently losing money can make you a lot
of money later! Let me explain...
Almost all of the really successful marketing
companies realize that their initial offer aimed at
attracting new customers is an investment.
They have figured out what they will spend, on
average, per customer they get on the front-end.
They understand that enough customers will order on
the back-end to make up for what was spent on the
front-end to get all those customers.
This is why it is important for you to have a
back-end offer you can make to your customers.
A lot of times there is not enough profit from
just one initial front-end product to get rich! You
must always look for back-end related products to
sell your customers!
It is a tough thing to do, though. We are so
conditioned into thinking that losing money is bad
that we try not to lose any money.
That is why you must look at it as investing in
a customer that will make you more money in the
future than they cost you to get!

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