Wednesday 9 January 2013

Controversy Is A Great Way To Attract The Media And Get Your Product In Front Of Millions Of Potential Customers!

   Any media (almost) is better than none at all.
You want to get into the media as much as you
possibly can. If you have a product or service that has
some controversy surrounding it, great!
Recently a product was released on the market
called Sex In a Bottle. It is just some vitamins and
minerals that have been shown by some studies to
concentrate certain hormones in the body. Just the
name, though, is catchy, and the company is out there
doing a lot of very aggressive media hype. This
company is trying to stir controversy. The company
has its team of doctors that claim the product really
works in giving people a much better sex life. Then,
when they end up on television or on the radio on talk
shows, the networks will have their teams of doctors
there to dispute what the company’s doctors say.
The debate goes back and forth like a tennis
ball . . . and who wins? The company wins by getting
a tremendously huge amount of exposure. Also, the
product actually reaches into a bit of a taboo grey
space. This helps the company get attention from the
media. And it almost seems at times that the company
really doesn’t have to advertise much, thanks to their

This is just one example of someone using
media to gain free publicity, and they are amassing
millions of dollars just by stirring up a little controversy
and breaking the norm. If you have something like
this, the media might just be waiting for you to release
it. The richest and most powerful people in the world
know how to use the power of the press for their own
gain! And you can do it too on a smaller scale! It’s an
example of how to MAKE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS
something dramatic, and not everything works well for
free publicity. Certain products can really do well, but
some won’t.
An editor’s biggest challenge is to pull out the
news releases that offer the most to their readers. It
is a good idea to specifically tell them in an e-mailed
cover letter why you think the news release about your
product or service could work for their website.
If you are aiming for big websites, make sure to write
to them specifically. This will help you get into the
website because you’ve stated your case, plain and
simple, thereby cutting down the amount of time the
editor has to spend considering whether or not to
make a story out of your press release. This is why an
editor’s biggest challenge can be your greatest
opportunity to make thousands of easy dollars!
Develop the lists of the websites you want to
try. Then work out a very simple plan of how to get
your message to those websites on a regular basis.

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