Saturday 12 January 2013

The More Powerful Benefits Your Product Has, The Better!

When you write your copy for websites, list all
the benefits your product or service offers. Then, build
on your greatest benefit by introducing all the other
benefits around it.
This is how to structure your Internet ads so
they make the MOST IMPACT, and produce the
This principle also applies to small Internet
classified ads. Stress your biggest user benefit.
Your list of specific benefits that your product or
service offers should be as many as a hundred! See
if you can come up with a hundred different specific
Many ideas won’t be used. Many may be
related. Maybe you can only come up with eighty.
But, you would have never discovered those eighty
benefits if you had not tried to find them.
If you set out to find ten specific benefits, you’re
going to stop once you find ten. You should set out to
find a hundred, though, because, when you find them
all, you’ll have more than you need.
Remember, the whole key to selling something
is showing the customer or prospect what’s in it for
Explore your product’s benefits. Come up with
as many benefits as you can. Then, when it comes
time to advertise on the Internet, you’ll be speaking
the market’s language.
What’s in it for them?

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