Saturday 12 January 2013

The More Powerful Benefits Your Product Has, The Better!

When you write your copy for websites, list all
the benefits your product or service offers. Then, build
on your greatest benefit by introducing all the other
benefits around it.
This is how to structure your Internet ads so
they make the MOST IMPACT, and produce the
This principle also applies to small Internet
classified ads. Stress your biggest user benefit.
Your list of specific benefits that your product or
service offers should be as many as a hundred! See
if you can come up with a hundred different specific
Many ideas won’t be used. Many may be
related. Maybe you can only come up with eighty.
But, you would have never discovered those eighty
benefits if you had not tried to find them.
If you set out to find ten specific benefits, you’re
going to stop once you find ten. You should set out to
find a hundred, though, because, when you find them
all, you’ll have more than you need.
Remember, the whole key to selling something
is showing the customer or prospect what’s in it for
Explore your product’s benefits. Come up with
as many benefits as you can. Then, when it comes
time to advertise on the Internet, you’ll be speaking
the market’s language.
What’s in it for them?

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Controversy Is A Great Way To Attract The Media And Get Your Product In Front Of Millions Of Potential Customers!

   Any media (almost) is better than none at all.
You want to get into the media as much as you
possibly can. If you have a product or service that has
some controversy surrounding it, great!
Recently a product was released on the market
called Sex In a Bottle. It is just some vitamins and
minerals that have been shown by some studies to
concentrate certain hormones in the body. Just the
name, though, is catchy, and the company is out there
doing a lot of very aggressive media hype. This
company is trying to stir controversy. The company
has its team of doctors that claim the product really
works in giving people a much better sex life. Then,
when they end up on television or on the radio on talk
shows, the networks will have their teams of doctors
there to dispute what the company’s doctors say.
The debate goes back and forth like a tennis
ball . . . and who wins? The company wins by getting
a tremendously huge amount of exposure. Also, the
product actually reaches into a bit of a taboo grey
space. This helps the company get attention from the
media. And it almost seems at times that the company
really doesn’t have to advertise much, thanks to their

This is just one example of someone using
media to gain free publicity, and they are amassing
millions of dollars just by stirring up a little controversy
and breaking the norm. If you have something like
this, the media might just be waiting for you to release
it. The richest and most powerful people in the world
know how to use the power of the press for their own
gain! And you can do it too on a smaller scale! It’s an
example of how to MAKE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS
something dramatic, and not everything works well for
free publicity. Certain products can really do well, but
some won’t.
An editor’s biggest challenge is to pull out the
news releases that offer the most to their readers. It
is a good idea to specifically tell them in an e-mailed
cover letter why you think the news release about your
product or service could work for their website.
If you are aiming for big websites, make sure to write
to them specifically. This will help you get into the
website because you’ve stated your case, plain and
simple, thereby cutting down the amount of time the
editor has to spend considering whether or not to
make a story out of your press release. This is why an
editor’s biggest challenge can be your greatest
opportunity to make thousands of easy dollars!
Develop the lists of the websites you want to
try. Then work out a very simple plan of how to get
your message to those websites on a regular basis.

How A Little Self-Promotion On The Internet Can Make You Rich!

            You have to decide to call yourself an expert.
Many times people are afraid to go into consulting
work. They are afraid of the self-promotion that
comes with consulting. But, if you do not promote
yourself no one else will. You are an expert the day
you call yourself an expert, and you cannot be afraid
to take a stand.
Remember, all of the consultants that are out
there making the most money now were in your shoes
at one time or another. They all had to take their stand
sometime. Do not be afraid!
Get yourself involved, start promoting yourself,
and in time you could be making up to $500 an hour
or more just like the most successful consultants in the
Overcoming your fear, getting started,
promoting yourself and your services, and “going for
the gusto” is how to become and expert and get paid
up to $500 an hour! This is how a little self promotion
can make you RICH!
You have to get out there and promote yourself
without fear. You especially cannot fear what others
are going to say or think about you. There are people

Here Are Fourteen Things You Can Give People And Make Thousands And Thousands Of Dollars!

            Did you know that there are fourteen things you
can give people and they can help to make you
thousands and thousands of dollars? Here they are:
1)Give Them Better Quality.
2)Give Them A Way To Save Time.
3)Give Them A Way To Save Money.
4)Give Them Convenience.
5)Give Them A Way To Make Money.
6)Give Them State-Of-The-Art Products & Services.
7)Give Them A Way To Make Life Less Difficult.
8)Give Them A Way To Enhance Their Looks (real or
9)Give Them Items That Have Multiple Uses.
10)Give Them Items That Are Durable And Long-
11)Give Them Items That Will Solve A Problem They
12)Give Them Items That Are More Effective.
13)Give Them Items That Make Life More Enjoyable.
14)Give Them Items That Offer Multiple Benefits.
You should find a way that your product can
fill as many of these needs as possible. The more
needs your product fills, the more likely you are to
make a sale! Go back over this list again. Find the
things that make your product stand out above the
competition. Point these things out to your
customers in your Internet marketing copy, and they
will want to buy from you!

The Secret Some Companies Use To Make Millions And Millions Of Dollars On The Internet!

            The secret that some companies use to make
millions of dollars on the Internet is to actually lose
money first!
Intelligently losing money can make you a lot
of money later! Let me explain...
Almost all of the really successful marketing
companies realize that their initial offer aimed at
attracting new customers is an investment.
They have figured out what they will spend, on
average, per customer they get on the front-end.
They understand that enough customers will order on
the back-end to make up for what was spent on the
front-end to get all those customers.
This is why it is important for you to have a
back-end offer you can make to your customers.
A lot of times there is not enough profit from
just one initial front-end product to get rich! You
must always look for back-end related products to
sell your customers!
It is a tough thing to do, though. We are so
conditioned into thinking that losing money is bad
that we try not to lose any money.
That is why you must look at it as investing in
a customer that will make you more money in the
future than they cost you to get!
   One Sure-Fire Method You Can Use To Get People To Send You Their Money Quickly!          

       One of the best ways to get your customers to  send you their money quickly is to make special
limited offers to them, either through e-mail or on the websites. This will motivate them into sending you their money faster. And, it will get some people to send you money, people who would never order otherwise! People, by nature, are procrastinators. We all like to put things off as long as we can!This is something that you must overcome in order to get the most sales possible. People are
afraid of making the wrong decision, so instead they make no decision.
So, you need to put some pressure on them toget them to send you their order. Giving them a
limited time offer will do just that. Your offer doesn’t even have to be real fancy.
It could just be a special low price that is only good for the next 14 days!
    Whatever the offer, you should try to have something that forces people to take action and
order immediately. Any procrastination can spell lost sales for you, and you do not want that!

Two Words That Can Make You Big Money On The Internet!
   Whatever the product you are trying to sell, your goal is to fill a need, or to teach people to do
something that they can’t do right now! This is especially true in the opportunity market! You are trying to show people ways to increase their income, etc. You can put two words at the beginning of the title to your Internet sales material that can instantly increase your response! “HOW TO....”
These words are powerful. People everywhere want to learn how to.... Your product’s
best benefit goes right after these two powerful words!
Here are some examples:
- How To Make Up To $100,000 A Year As A Writer!
- How To Get Rich Quick!
- How To Lose Up To 100 Pounds In The Next 180
- How To Get On The Internet For The First Time!
- How To Avoid Paying Taxes Now!