Tuesday 12 November 2013

Home Based Businesses

We've compiled a list of home based businesses that we think are doable from your home premises. Home based businesses can be seen in several different ways 1.Totally home based where you don't have to leave the home for anything and nobody needs to visit you, 2. Only leaving the house to post something, 3.Having friendly clients occasionally visiting you, 4.Going out to visit a client, 5.a combination of 2, 3 and 4 If we call these categories 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 we've compiled lists of businesses that fit into each one: Category 1 •Affiliate marketing services - You could be just making money for yourself by promoting other peoples goods. •Blog writer •Freelance writer •Registered Nurse - Offering telephone triage services Category 2 •Ebay trader - It's possible to drop ship everything, but usually you'll buy stuff from a wholesalers and sell it on. Category 3 •Dog walking - This can come into category 4 if you are picking up the dog. •Pet Sitting - The owners might want you to sit with their animal in their surroundings. •Physician - Having clients come round for treatments. Category 4 •Baby sitting - Usually this will be local where you go round to someone's house while they go out for a meal etc. •House sitter - Obviously to look after somebodies house while they are away on holiday you'll have to stay in their house. •Mobile businesses - You could be any of these going round to clients...car washer, catering, DJ, dog washing, hairdresser, massage, mechanic nail technician, pressure washing and spray tanning, •Personal Trainer - You will likely meet them in a local gym or go round to their house and train them there or in a local park. •Tutoring - Visiting clients in their home or business or business events. This could be category 1 if you make video tutorials for people to buy online. •Web designer - you can argue this can fit into one, but usually you can pick up local clients by visiting them and getting an idea of their business and possibly taking videos, pictures of their business as part of the deal. Category 5 •Artist •Bookkeeper - Clients will need to drop off there accounts or you can pick them up. •Business coach - Either coaching business people in their place of work, or usually in business suites •Cake maker - Posting delicate cakes in the post is tricky therefore you are going to have to drop them off or have them picked up from your house. •Clothing alterations - You could also make specialised clothes for people •Handmade - This could be a company that drops off the raw materials and you put them together - typically this involves cosmetics, jewelry, paper, and toys •Medical Transcriptionists •Ironing Services - Either you are going to pick up and drop off clothing or and the clients can pick them up for you. •Technical business consultant - This can be category 1 as well •Photography - You could have your own studio, or you could be going out photographing clients on their special days such as weddings, or you could be going out just taking photographs of interesting objects and trying to make money from royalties. •Radiologist We are sure there are many more potential home based businesses that you could do - but we hope we have provided some good homemade business ideas for you.

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